Supervised Learning Algorithm - Decision Trees
learning algorithms are computational techniques that enable machines to learn
patterns from labeled data, facilitating the prediction of outcomes for new or unseen
data based on previous examples. Numerous algorithms are utilized in the
Supervised Learning technique. However, today, we will direct our attention to
a fundamental pillar of Machine Learning that is Decision Trees. Together,
we'll peel back the layers of complexity surrounding decision trees, delving
into their inner workings and witnessing their remarkable prowess through a
captivating real-world example.
Deciphering Decision Trees: An Overview
Decision trees are versatile and intuitive
algorithms used for both classification and regression tasks. Imagine them as a
flowchart-like structure where each internal node represents a decision based
on an input feature, leading to further nodes or leaf nodes representing the
final outcome.
Sample Problem: Predicting Loan Approval
Consider a scenario where a bank aims to automate
its loan approval process. The dataset includes information about applicants
such as their income, credit score, and employment status, along with whether
their loan applications were approved or denied. The goal is to build a
decision tree model that can predict whether a future loan application will be
approved or denied based on the applicant's attributes.
Solution: Building the Decision Tree
1. Splitting the Data: To start, we organize the dataset into smaller groups by sorting
through the information about loan applicants, akin to sorting a heap of papers
based on specific traits like income or credit score. For instance, we could
group applicants with high income separately from those with low income,
creating subsets that help us better understand the data.
2. Choosing the Best Split: Once the data is grouped, the algorithm determines the best feature and
split point to optimize information gain or minimize impurity at each decision
point. Information gain quantifies how much a feature reduces uncertainty about
the target variable. We then assess which characteristic, such as income or
credit score, is most effective in dividing applicants into groups where loan
approvals or denials are predominant. This analysis helps us identify the
feature that provides the most valuable insights for decision-making.
3. Recursive Partitioning: The process proceeds recursively, generating branches and sub-branches
until a stopping criterion is satisfied, like reaching a maximum depth or no
longer enhancing information gain. We persist in dividing our groups into
smaller sub-groups, prioritizing characteristics that provide the most valuable
insights. This iterative process resembles peeling layers of an onion,
gradually refining our groups into homogeneous subsets where loan approvals or
denials are prevalent.
4. Handling Overfitting: Decision trees are susceptible to overfitting, a phenomenon where they
memorize the training data rather than discerning general patterns. Strategies
such as pruning or imposing minimum sample requirements for splitting aid in
mitigating overfitting. However, decision trees can become fixated on intricate
data nuances, resulting in decisions influenced by noise rather than genuine
patterns. This overfitting can be addressed by simplifying the tree, either by
eliminating extraneous details or establishing rules to prevent decisions based
on limited examples.
5. Making Predictions: Once the decision tree is constructed, new instances can be classified
by navigating from the root node to a leaf node, where a decision is made based
on the majority class or average value of training instances in that node.
After building our decision tree, it's time for action! When a new applicant
arrives, we examine their characteristics, such as income and credit score, and
traverse the branches of our decision tree until we arrive at a final decision
regarding loan approval or denial. This decision is informed by insights
gleaned from past applicants who traversed our tree.
essence, building a decision tree is like creating a roadmap for making
decisions based on past experiences, allowing us to confidently navigate new
situations in the future. Decision trees offer a clear and interpretable approach to
decision-making in machine learning. Their simplicity and transparency make
them valuable tools for a wide range of applications, from finance to
healthcare. By understanding the principles behind decision trees, we empower
ourselves to make informed choices in the complex landscape of data analysis.
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